White Lick Homeowners Association

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Monday, August 5, 2019

July 2019 Board Minutes

White Lick Home Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2019
Plainfield Public Library

Board members in attendance:  Tom Lee, Derry Shrock, Diana Laybold, Susan Chestnut
Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Four residents in attendance.

The meeting began @ 4:30 pm

June minutes were approved via e-mail.

Financial Report:
·       Susan Keene went over the June financials
·       Susan Chestnut questioned a few of the charges from PSG.  Larry is to look into it & get back to  her with more details

Architectural Committee:
·       Four requests were submitted to the Architectural Committee in June.  All were approved.

Social Committee:
·       Diana sadly reported that one resident has passed away.  Flowers will be sent from the community.

Resident comments:
·       Residents presented mowing concerns.
·       Residents informed the board of their concerns involving two neighbors.

Old Business:
·       No old business

New Business:
·       Diana confirmed the date of the Annual Meeting for Wed. Oct. 9th (NOTE:  Date has been changed to Thursday, Oct. 10th as the Plainfield Library did not have a room available on Oct. 9th)
·       Derry gave an update regarding his & Larry Edwards walk around the community evaluating the replacement needs of garage doors, chimneys, windows, and general appearance of the units/common areas.  They surmised that:
o   30 plus windows should be replaced
o   12 should be replaced by end of the year, if possible (6 have been done so far this year)
o   51 chimneys have been rebuilt so far, 1 left to be done this year.
·       Discussion took place about the homes who do not maintain their flower beds where weeds are present.  A resident who cannot maintain their area should have the area put back to grass so that the mowers can maintain the area.  PSG will spray weed killer where it is appropriate to maintain the aesthetics of the community.
·       Susan C. made a motion to investigate options of investing the $100,000 reserve to allow these funds to gain a better interest rate.   Tom Lee 2nds the motion.  Susan will speak with a few local banks and bring that information back to the Board.
·       Susan C. also made a motion that the board take the extra funds in our account, over the $100,000 reserve, to replace some windows, garage doors & chimneys this year.   No decision was made at this time.
·       There was a discussion about replacing windows with vinyl windows & framing rather than wood, that is currently being used, so that the exteriors of the units could eventually be maintenance free.  This would eventually alleviate the need for most painting. This will be discussed further in the future.
·       One resident has requested her tree be replaced as it was accidentally sprayed by a chemical last year and now the tree has died.  The tree will be replaced in the fall.  Derry made the motion for the HOA to cover the cost of replacement:  Tom 2nd the motion and all approved.

The meeting ended at 5:23 pm

The next meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14th at the Plainfield Library.

Chestnut & Shrock via email 7/28/19
Laybold via email 7/30/19
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